Well Sandra came, almost seven months ago! It shows how quickly life becomes hectic when you have two kids when my blog comes to a grinding halt! Well here I am and it's time to play catch up!
About three weeks before Sandra was born Alastor was getting pretty darn sick, he was throwing up several times a day and all sorts of other stuff. the Doctors wanted to do a stool sample test (pray you never have to do that!!) and then a blood test after that. It seemed like they had no idea what was going on and just guessing. Turns out he had something nasty on his old toothbrush that he was re-exposing himself to every time he brushed his teeth. Needless to say we felt pretty stupid after that one. My Mom had come down to help out with Alastor while we got ready for Sandra to come along.
Sunday May 2, 2010 Meghan woke up with slight contractions. We decided to go to church and see how things turned out. After having my hand crushed almost the whole sacrament meeting I decided it was a good idea to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital about 4:00 pm and by 7:27 PM Sandra was here! It was so fast! The sun was still up and Mom was able to bring Alastor by to meet his sister the same day. It was so crazy to be done so quickly and have time to run to Arby's afterward!

The past six or so months have been rather good. The house is getting worked on more and more, the kids are getting bigger, Meghan is doing super as a Mom of two, and I'll be getting back into school in January. Alastor recently turned two this last October while we were on vacation in California. He had a great time going to zoo and bowling on his birthday. While in CA we also bought a new car from my friend Michael Jenkins. So now we are a two car having family of four! It does make me feel rather old sometimes.

Sandra is so big now! Her growth is above average in all areas except weight, which is just like her brother. She already has two teeth on the bottom and is sitting up on her own. She seems to have more of my personality when it comes to not napping, being hungry all the time and shouting a lot. Her newest trick is to shake her head from side to side like she is rocking out! She also has her tongue hanging out of her head all of the time, curling it up at the tip and smiling around it; not sure where she got that one from.
Alastor has been learning new words every day and has a vocabulary of well over 100 words. He recently said "Zombie!!" to me the other day. He's able to tell us what he wants most of the time unless he gets frustrated. When I come home from work he immediately says "Play!" which means Play video games! When I play my games Alastor says things like "Careful!" "Oh no!" or pounds his fist and says "Darn! darn!". I had to teach him that one so he would stop repeating what I said once in a fit of rage, teehee.
Overall, life is good and things are going well. Thanksgiving is coming up and the dreaded Black Friday is upon us over at Costco. So prepare you battle plans and bring it on!!