The holidays are coming and we are excited! This will be Alastor's 3rd Christmas and probably the first one he will have vague memories of when he is older. So with that in mind we are trying to do better with the whole decorating thing this year. We probably won't have lights on the house just because things are so busy with work and my days off are full. Sandra really enjoys the Christmas tree and all the lights indoors, she seems pretty happy. Alastor loves the tree; every morning he gets up, runs into the front room and say "treee.." in almost a whisper, like it's sacred.
This is also the first year that we have been able to send out a Christmas card. it seemed appropriate since we have a bunch of kids and people are curious about what we are up to nowadays. I put the address to this blog in all of the cards so people can see what we have been doing and to motivate me to do work on this darn thing a lot more that once every few months.
Meghan's brothers dropped by for a surprise visit around Thanksgiving time, that was a real treat. It was like an early Christmas for Meghan. Alastor had a lot of fun playing guns and Sandra was just happy to see some new faces. We ate at a pizza buffet and ran them out of business! Not really.
Well if this blog is the only contact I have with you, have a great Holiday!!!