Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well, things are getting very fun. I finished my paper and everything is going well with school, as far as I know. Alastor has been eating and sleeping really well lately. He pretty much slept the whole night already! Any Moms I mention that to just freak out "What!? That's not supposed to happen till at least 4 months!" hehe.
This pregnancy was so simple and easy with no morning sickness and no weird complications, so I figure the baby would come out just as simple. No pushing required to get this one out. Now that he is home and settled he has gotten very good at sleeping in his crib and eating when he is hungry. He lets us know when his diaper is dirty but not immediately, so he's a good kid.
The more time I spend with my son the more I find he belongs to this family. He loves to burp and pass gas like his Daddy and he is a very sound sleeper like his Mom. I was singing to him the other day and since I didn't know any baby songs I sang some Mindless Self Indulgence to him. He must have been confused because his little eyes went cross and we nearly died laughing. he is so darn cute!Grandma Bunn will be joining us soon and I hope she is impressed with how the little guy behaves. He already is starting to fill out in his little face and get some meat on him. I'm so excited to see how he continues to grow and surprise us with his little quirks.
Next week I start work again. It'll be sad to have to leave Alastor for work, but then I will be able to come home to him and see him after a few hours! Yay!

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